How is Superior Meeting Services compensated?

Your organization will NEVER pay us for our services. Superior Meeting Services is paid directly from the hotels based on rooms actualized.

Will it cost our Organization more to book a meeting through Superior Meeting Services than it would if we went direct?

No. The main concern of hotels is to win your business. It is a very competitive market out there and the bottom line is: hotels will compete with the best pricing available to earn your business. We are a true partner to Hotels and they rely on companies like ours to be knowledgeable about their properties and help bring meetings to them. Why would they bite the hand that feeds them?

How will it benefit my Organization to use Superior Meeting Services?

  • No out of pocket costs to your organization.
  • We can Search any area, or multiple areas, based on your needs and return results in 2 – 3 days.
  • Confidential site searches, eliminating solicitations of incoming sales calls, emails, mailings, etc.
  • Cost Savings in rates, ensuring you are receiving the best possible pricing offered by the hotels/ resorts.
  • Cost Savings in contract negotiations, such as added concessions, upgrades, attrition and cancellation.
  • Cost Savings in your staff hours, saving you countless hours of your precious time.
  • Experience in the hotel industry. With over 20 years of combined experience in hotel sales, we are aware of the challenges of planning a meeting, and we have the knowledge to overcome those challenges.
  • Our Account Executives and Staff stay current with changes and trends in the hotel industry making sure you are always kept updated on what is happening in the areas you are interested in searching. Things that are important to consider like Peak Seasons, City-Wide events and new Hotel Openings.
  • Time is Money. Superior Meeting Services WILL save you time and Time is Money!