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We save you precious time and money.

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We conduct searches all over the world!

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We take the time to understand our clients needs as if they were our own.

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Let us get your search started.

Call us today!

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We have one of the best reputations in the industry.

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We offer you 1 point of contact for all your meeting needs!

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National Account representation from every major chain hotel company.

A Premier Site Selection Company

Time is Money!

“Time is Money” – Benjamin Franklin

“Do what you do so well that they will want to experience it again and bring their friends to experience it too.” – Walt Disney

These two famous quotes serve as the backbone of Superior Meeting Services. Have you ever asked yourself how much your time is worth? How many times a day have you said to yourself that there just isn’t enough time in the day? Superior Meeting Services is here to help.

Superior Meeting Services is a premier Site Selection company, able to assist you with the entire Site Selection process. We take the time to understand our clients meeting needs as if they were our own. From helping you create the initial RFP to contacting multiple hotels and resorts in a location or multiple locations to coordinating every aspect of your Site Visits to assisting with the contract process, we can be there every step of the way… all at no cost to your organization! We take great pride in the relationships we have developed with our clients and look forward to creating a strong partnership with you and your organization.